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Contributors to this site

Author and webmaster

Christian Bachmann has a basic university education in human medicine and a university degree in biology. He has been a scientific and medical writer, an editor of book and journals since 1976, and a webmaster since 1996.

He owns this website and is solely responsible for its contents. Read more about the limitations of his liability.


Christian Bachmann
Schaffhauserstrasse 294a
CH-8500 Frauenfeld
bachmann (at) pcb (dot) ch

Scientific and expert support

David Fäh, MD, MPH, is a researcher and lecturer at the University of Zurich, and an author of numerous scientific publications on nutrition, metabolism, body weight, obesity and health. He has given valuable support for developing calculator formulae and for fine-tuning graphic and text output. He also has written the page "losing weight without any stress" on this website.

Heinrich von Grünigen, MD h.c., was a council member of SAPS, the Swiss Adiposity Foundation, since 1998 and was its president and executive director from 2001 to 2021. He has been awarded the honorary title of Dr. honoris causa 2011 by the University of Zurich, in recognition of his pioneer and educational work in the fight against health and social problems caused by obesity. He has been a crucial door-opener and editorial contributor.

Site history and early contributors

The first version of this site has been based to a large extent on data collected from a life expectancy calculator, for which the author is indebted to the University of Zurich Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, to Roger Gösele and to the Eduard Aeberhardt Foundation.


The autor expresses his gratitude to all the persons and institutions mentioned above. This site would not have been possible without their valuable manpower, and their expert and financial support.

Copyright and commercial aspects

Photo and image credits

The author owns the copyright on all the images, unless otherwise specified.


The reproduction of any text and image content of this website in printed or electronic form is not allowed unless expressly permitted by the author.

Use free of charge

The use of this calculator is free of charge. This service is only possible due to paid advertising that has been included.  Read more ...

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